♡PINAYARN™♡ 【음악·영화】

( ♬ "Harem" / Sarah Brightman )

피나얀 2006. 9. 10. 20:39




Divinity-Alexander WolfLeod

( ♬ "Harem") 


Burning sands, winds of desire
Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire
Within my heart, unwatered, feeding the flame
Welcoming you to my Harem
Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage
Deep desires, sleep untold
Whispers that echo the desert of my soul
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem
Sing for me a song of life's visage
Sing for me a tune of love's mirage
Time is change, time's fool is man
None will escape the passing sands of time
I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart
Welcoming you to my Harem






음원출처-♤세상을 향해 나를 외치다 ! ♤


자료를 찾다보니 동영상 자료가 있네요^^

동영상을 원하신다면 클릭하세요~ Harem, Sarah Brightman